Today, December 7, is national letter writing day, and it’s obviously one of the most important days for any entrepreneur!
My philosophy is that there’s nothing new under the sun.
Writing, is, has been, and always shall be, one of the most important skills for entrepreneurs.
And while letter writing day traditionally focuses on writing on a physical pad of paper with a traditional writing utensil, I’d like to make notation that writing transcends mere penmanship, writing allows you to accomplish all of your goals.
Here’s just a tiny ramshackle list of why writing is one of, if not the top skill for entrepreneurs of any sort:
- Writing helps you to plan beautiful marketing emails, so that you may better endeavor to build relationships with your audience.
- Writing helps you to compose beautiful sales letters, so you can share your expertise, thoughts, and products with the world.
- Writing makes it infinitely easier for you to communicate the benefits of your business.
- Writing is the most important first step for you to brainstorm beautiful video sales letters, upsell letters, thank you letters, and just about any other note that you need as an entrepreneur.
- Writing obviously empowers you to create awesome prose, whether you’re creating an e-book, writing a fictional series, or pitching to your boss why you deserve a raise.
- Writing can help you to skyrocket your confidence, so that you may better attempt to get what you deserve in this life, and the next.
- Writing transcends that of mere entrepreneurship; and helps you better communicate with your loved ones, so that you can make this life of ours a beautiful experience, where your thoughts really matter.
Writing is one of the top skills, if not the top skill that all entrepreneurs need!
I’m confident, that we can both agree, that writing is absolutely beautiful, and it’s something that all entrepreneurs should practice!
So, how can you improve your writing, today, and every other day that you enjoy as a human on this planet?
It’s simple really.
Devote yourself to writing every single day.
You don’t have to write for long.
Maybe you can write for 2 minutes, 5 minutes, or 15 minutes every single day.
Discover a topic that you love so much, that you would write, daily, for the remainder of your life, even when facing the prospect that nobody else will read your content.
Devote yourself to writing beautiful content that helps your audience, entertains prospects, and maybe even betters humanity.
That’s the potential power of writing.
Yes, I concur, these goals are indeed lofty. But what do you have to lose?
You’ll be building and exercising a necessary skill-set, that all entrepreneurs need, while celebrating and recognizing that today, is indeed, National Letter Writing Day.
Talk later, and never stop writing!
Cordially and humbly yours…
This has been Mike DeVincent of, and I’m signing off