One of the biggest problems with affiliate marketing… That NOBODY talks about…
Is that every time you make a sale – you’re essentially building the audience of the original product vendor.
This is especially true if you’re an email marketer.
Think about it.
Each and every time you send an affiliate offer to your own list… And your subscribers buy that product…
You’re essentially “diluting” your own audience, because now your subscribers are on the list of one (or many) other vendors.
That’s why I haven’t promoted a traditional affiliate product in MONTHS, because I much prefer to create and promote my own courses.
Here’s the funny part…
There are a few very popular affiliate marketers, and they promote affiliate products every single day, and teach others to do the same.
BUT, they never tell you the “secret” segment of their business.
What’s the missing segment? Well, there are TWO missing segments really.
The first missing segment, is adding email subscribers. If you want to frequently promote affiliate offers to your email list, you need to constantly be adding new subscribers.
If you don’t consistently and reliably add email subscribers to your list, you’re as dead as fried chicken. Incessant affiliate promotion then becomes a self-defeating prophecy.
If you don’t create your own products, it’s going to be difficult to build any long-lasting rapport with your audience anyway.
Rant aside, it’s important to launch your own products. To become your own teacher, your own software publisher, your own author, and so on.
Take it from me.
I’ve promoted so many affiliate launches that I’ve lost count. I’ve been affiliate marketing longer than I care to admit (lol).
BUT, just remember, that each time you promote an affiliate offer… Your audience becomes dilluted.
Just my two cents. I’m sure all of the gurus, experts, content ninjas, and others will send me hatemail for my perspective.
Oh well, it’s just my two cents.
Talk later, and have a beautiful day.
Mike “Dilution” DeVincent
One of the best ways to ensure that you maintain your brand, is by launching your own courses, e-books, programs, software apps, and other cool stuff that you actually own.
That way, you can promote something else OTHER than just affiliate products.
Because always remember, that the best affiliate marketers are vendors, creators, and inventors.
Talk later.
Mike “The Instructor” DeVincent