How To Write Cool Web Content Super Fast!
These days being able to write high quality content quickly is arguably one of the most important skills for all small business owners and entrepreneurs.
This is especially true if you don’t have a massive marketing budget, because without paid advertising, then it can be really hard to generate leads or promote your business.
Content marketing, and creating awesome content is arguably, and in my opinion, the single best way to get your ideas noticed if you don’t have a large budget.
That’s why I’m always trying to encourage my colleagues to embrace the art and science of content marketing, and writing in general.
So, in this email I’m going to reveal how I write lots of content quickly and regularly, on a near daily basis.
The Following Writing Strategies Are Designed To Help You With The Following:
- These writing strategies can help you to create online courses.
- They can help you to brainstorm digital books.
- They can be used to help write blog posts.
- If you publish an email newsletter, these writing strategies can help with that as well.
- If you wish to write lead magnet content, or bonus content, then these writing strategies can also help you.
- Or even if you like to create lots of social media content, then these writing strategies are designed for you.
Here Are My Best Tips For Creating High Quality Web Content Quickly:
Let’s talk more about the strategies I use whenever I’m creating blog posts, Podcast content, email newsletter content, courses, or just about anything.
These following strategies are the same exact methods that I try to deploy regardless of what type of content I’m writing. A ton of time has been spent crafting these strategies. I’m very pleased to share them with you and I truly hope that they find you well.
Content Creation Tip # 01 – Always Study Your End Users And Know What’s On Their Mind At Any Given Time.
For nonfiction writers, in my honest opinion, the single fastest and easiest way to brainstorm excellent content ideas, is to know your end user. Know your ideal prospect.
That way, you can constantly work on, develop, and brainstorm cool content ideas that are designed specifically to address and solve the very real problems that they are having at any point in time.
A fascinating nuance regarding this tip, is that this information changes with time. For example, when I first started writing email newsletters, nobody really knew what a sales funnel was. Nobody really knew what a lead generation funnel was.
These days, just a few short years later, more and more people know what these types of things are, so always remember that the knowledge and sophistication of your audience may very well change. Because your ideal audience are real live, evolving and learning humans.
This is actually good news, because if you’re always polling your audience, and if you always remain cognizant of what any particular marketplace wants, then you’ll always have fresh and relevant content ideas to write about.
If you know your end users like the back of your hand, then it’s going to be infinitely easier for you to brainstorm nonstop content ideas that your audience and prospects are hungry to learn more about.
If you’re not sure how to study your marketplace, then check out my favorite researching website Quora so you can find out the exact questions that those interested in your particular topic are asking.
You can simply type in a keyword on Quora, and then you get to see real questions that people are asking on the website. This is a great researching and brainstorming tool.
Content Creation Tip # 02 – Write In Super Short Sentences And Even Shorter Paragraphs!
I personally find that the best content to read is content that’s super concise, and also easy to read.
So, what type of content is actually easy to read? Well, I like to read content with very small paragraphs, and small sentences.
I’m blind as heck, and can’t stand reading walls of text! I also read a ton of internet forums (lol) and always cringe with frustration when somebody posts a massive wall of text that looks impossible to read.
There’s nothing more depressing than a great idea or thought hidden within a daunting wall of text.
You might find that your end users feel the same way; also remember that in today’s modern world, people are infinitely distracted, and busy.
So, if your content look like it’s a real chore to read, then I think that people will be statistically less likely to finish. In fact, they might not even start.
I’ve also noticed this fascinating trend in the online teaching world. For example many students who enroll in a course, never end up taking the course. They pay for the course, then never watch a single lecture. I truly believe that people are so busy these days, that being concise and pithy is always a great idea regardless of what type of content you’re creating.
The good thing is that, when you write in short sentences and short paragraphs, your content is much easier to write because you don’t have to rely on any fancy grammatical structure or fancy metaphors.
I personally find that when I write this way, my content flows much better and is easier to read.
Hopefully, as a result, your end users will gain more from your content, and you shall have more confidence to write more consistently.
Content Creation Tip # 03 – Always Know What The Main Point Of Your Content Is.
This is going to make your content infinitely more clear and persuasive. And when you’re crystal clear about the point that you wish to make, then your content creation is going to be much easier.
This might seem obvious; however, I can promise that I’ve wasted countless hours, days, weeks, even months of irksome frustration on content that didn’t have a clear purpose.
I’ve literally scrapped entire books, and entire courses, because my content ultimately lost track of where I was going.
There’s no bigger time-suck than having a lack of focus when creating your content!
So be very clear and cognizant of the purpose of each piece of content that you ever write, so you can avoid writing “fluff” content.
Always ask yourself the following question; “What’s the main point I want to get across in this piece of content?”
Follow These Tips If You Want To Minimize Writer’s Block And Publish More Often!
These are three of my favorite writing tips, and if you follow these ideas, I’m confident that your content creation will be much faster, and you’ll also have the confidence to write more often.
Thank You So Much For Checking This Out!
These days, being able to write high quality content quickly is a hugely important skill, especially if your budget isn’t the biggest in the world.
My only hope, is that you can put these tips to good use, and hopefully increase your creative output as a result.
They work for me, and I truly wish that you shall find them well.
If you ever have any questions, or simply want to brainstorm, then please never hesitate to contact me.
I’ve got your back!
Until then, stay awesome, and please have an amazing day.
Cordially and humbly yours…
Mike DeVincent