Let’s Talk Thrifty Marketing Tactics…
Have you ever been frustrated because you have a beautiful webinar planned, but you just don’t have enough of a budget to bring it to the world?
Face it. The world of online advertising can be too expensive, especially if you’re just a tiny one-person-team! So if you’re just a casual blogger, teacher, author, or freelancer, you probably don’t have the biggest marketing budget in the world!
If that’s the case, then let’s spend a few minutes brainstorming a few cool ways that you can promote your webinar registration page without spending a fortune.
Well, The First Thing To Do When Trying To Promote Absolutely Anything, Is To Ask Yourself, What Assets Do You Currently Have?
- Do you have a blog?
- Do you have any social media profiles?
- Do you have an email list?
- Do you frequent any forums where your audience hangs out?
Promoting Your Webinar On Your Blog!
I’m always ranting about how your blog can be the single best platform to promote ALL of your marketing pages.
These days there are so many services and plugins you can use to create a “welcome bar”, “exit intent popups”, and other tools to insert a big fat call to action into your content.
Currently, I have a huge “welcome bar” at the top of my blog that promotes an automated affiliate webinar.
There are tons of WordPress plugins (and services) that can help you to create a “welcome bar”.
This way, no matter what page your end users happen across, you can prominently promote absolutely anything you want.
Personally, I have used a freemium service called “AddThis” to create these calls to action, and the best part is that AddThis also gives me a boatload of statistics and data to analyze so I can tell which of my CTAs are working the best.
Also, some WordPress themes have the “welcome bar feature” including many of the newer StudioPress themes, which are my favorite. (If you’re not familiar, StudioPress is an awesome company who create my favorite WordPress themes!)
A Really Clever (And Cool) Way To Promote Your Webinar On Social Media…
Do you have a ton of social media followers?
Maybe you have an awesome Twitter profile, a Pinterest profile, a Facebook group, or maybe you just have a ton of connections on LinkedIn.
One of the easiest things you can do today, as in right now, is to set your “website URL” within these social media profiles as the URL of your webinar registration link.
That’s the lowest hanging fruit in all probability, but there is also other stuff you could do.
Another thing you can do, is create awesome blog content and then share that blog content on social media.
So, you could create blog posts, and then simply create an update letting your followers know about your new blog post.
The beauty is that your blog posts are then going to subtly promote your webinar registration link via your “welcome bar”, and/or “exit intent popups” on your blog itself, so promoting your blog also promotes your webinar registration link.
The genius part about this idea, is that you could do this every single day if you wanted to. Because you won’t simply be sharing the same exact webinar registration link over and over again; instead you’ll be sharing awesome, and fresh content on your blog.
So every single day you could write an awesome blog post that’s designed to help your ideal prospects, and then you could write a tiny little preview of the post on your social media profiles and link to your newest blog post.
This way, you won’t feel bad about directly promoting your webinar registration link over and over again, which your end users would probably get sick of after a while lol; instead you’ll be sharing unique fresh content, and that content “points” the flow toward your webinar registration link.
Promoting Your Webinar Via Email Marketing!
If you have an email list, obviously this is an unfair advantage.
If you have an email list, obviously this is an unfair advantage.
The cool thing is that, you could “change up” the topics of your webinar, so that perhaps each and every month you have a new topic to share with your audience.
So maybe you could write down and brainstorm 12 different webinar topics that you could host.
And then, each and every month, you could host a brand new webinar.
This way, you always have something fresh for your audience, and you’ll never have to worry about promoting the same event over and over again.
This is the perfect “long-term” strategy in my opinion, and it could also help you to build massive goodwill with your audience, and you could generate trust if you’re able to successfully help your audience.
Promoting Your Webinar In Forums!
I know I know. Forum marketing just isn’t cool anymore, especially since we’re headed into the world of socia-media-omnipotence (lol) for goodness sake!
However, please remember that forums can still be a really cool place to plug your webinar registration link, especially if your forum is stuffed to the brim with an audience who would benefit from your webinar presentation.
So, if you visit any forums in your niche, find out if you’re allowed to promote your website URL in your signature.
Then, try your best to help your prospects to the best of your ability by answering questions that other forum members ask.
Answer questions, provide feedback, and try your best to help people.
Maybe you can attract some prospects doing so, and at the very least, you’ll hopefully gain some goodwill by helping those who need your help! 🙂
(If you can’t find any cool forums in you’re niche, then Quora is another place where you can answer questions, show your expertise, and hopefully, gain some followers and impress people enough to click on your profile). 🙂
In Summary, It’s Possible To Promote Your Webinar Registration Link Without A Massive Budget!
Of course, these methods all require one thing on your behalf, well actually two things.
The first thing that these methods require of you, is effort.
The second thing that these methods require of you, is time!
So, please endeavor to spend both time and effort to promote your webinar, or any type of event.
At the end of the day, you’ll be doing the world a ton of good, because I’m confident, that your webinar can change the world for the better! Right?
Your audience (and prospective audience) will thank you for the effort in the end, hopefully.
Thanks so much for checking this out, and please have an awesome day!
Thank You So Much For Checking This Out!
You rock! Seriously, thank you so much for checking this out.
I know how frustrating it can be trying to afford paid advertising, especially if your marketing budget is that of a modern-day-small-business.
For that reason, I was truly passionate about the content this week, and I hope that you had fun reading it, because I had a ton of fun writing. 🙂
If you ever have any questions, or simply want to brainstorm, then please never hesitate to contact me.
I love to hear from you, and always try my best to help.
Stay cool, and I hope to see you next week!
Until then, stay awesome, and please have an amazing day.
Cordially and humbly yours…
Mike DeVincent