One of the biggest problems I’ve ever noticed as a writer, is self doubt.
“Will people like this content? What will they think? What will they say?”.
It’s something I still struggle with.
The issue is that, if you don’t know who you’re writing for, and what they want, it can be impossible to ever be confident with your content.
It doesn’t matter if you’re writing fiction, nonfiction, or if you’re a vendor, coach, or blogger.
I believe, self doubt can slaughter your ability to create content faster than just about anything.
That’s why this super fast writing course might be worth checking out.
So you can finally discover how to slaughter self doubt, because you won’t be writing for the Negative Nancy, Hater, or Critic.
You’ll be writing for someone with infinitely more potential, and someone worth infinitely more attention.
You’ll be writing for yourself, and people who appreciate the content that you produce.
That my friend, is how you can crush self doubt; when you write for the right people. Make sure you choose wisely, because if you’re haunted by the wrong audience, confidence shall forever evade you.
Check it out here if you’d like, I do believe you can benefit.
Talk later
Mike “Confidence” DeVincent