Last night I put the finishing touches on my latest work.
Usually, when I’m working on a project, I prefer to write the sales letter first.
That way, you can clearly define “what you want to have” in your product, and then work backwards.
Not this time though.
After planning the curriculum, recording the videos, and scripting the bonus PDFs, it was time to write the sales letter.
I Saved The Sales Letter For Last, Because It’s The Easiest (And Fastest) Part
I was exhausted by that time, but I had every intention of finishing the project by Friday morning, so I had to press on.
In any event, the sales letter only took me about 10 to 15 minutes to write.
It was easy. It was on the shorter side (roughly 300 words), but I think it will work quite effectively nevertheless.
So, How Do I Write Sales Letters This Quickly?
The secret to doing anything quickly, is having a template.
You can have a template for making anything.
Video courses, blogs, emails, ebooks, reports, squeeze pages, and definitely sales letters.
Heck, you can have a template for making a spaghetti dinner or a cheddar and bacon omelet.
I Never Said My Sales Letter Copywriting Was The Best
I honestly think my sales letter template is awesome though. Even if you suck at copy, I think you can still make the template work well enough.
It’s fast, easy, speaks to the pain points of your end users, and sells the benefits. And you can use it to sell almost anything.
You’ll also discover a few copywriting lessons that I honestly believe will make you a better copywriter, and when you write copy this way?
Not only will it come natural to you, but you’ll write at blazing speed.
Even if you’re half asleep and writing at 2 in the morning.
Talk later
Mike “The Template” DeVincent