This Important Document Reveals How You Can Improve The Planet!
I’ve been brainstorming some super cool ways that Entrepreneurs can help to make the world a better place.
These days everyone is stressed out. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s politics, the economy, the weather, or the rising costs of food.
No matter what it is, I think everyone’s noticed how tense things can get these days.
Which is why I spent an hour brainstorming how we Entrepreneurs can make the world a better place. I’m not sure if this will work, lol, but heck, what do we have to lose?
Our Planet Needs To Change For The Better!
Because face it.
If you’ve spent much time interfacing with people, maybe you’ve noticed how rude and even cruel people can be? Especially when they’re in a hurry, upset, stressed out, or late.
Have you ever been frustrated because the world just isn’t as kind as it should be?
Maybe you got honked at in traffic, angrily shrieked at when you aren’t driving fast enough, or maybe you’ve worked in a retail or sales position before and have personally witnessed the rudest of behavior from fellow humans.
Heck, every time you put on the news these days it’s a nonstop barrage of political scandals and worldwide carnage.
And this frustration, and turmoil, is unfortunately revealing itself everywhere. 🙁
If you have any friends or colleagues in the retail industry or in sales, then you’ve probably heard horror stories about how mean people can be!
The Good Thing Is That, Even If You’ve Been Mistreated Personally, You Can Still Fight To Make Our World A Better, More Kinder Place!
The first thing to remember is that as an Entrepreneur, you have a significant impact on each and every lead, customer, client, reader, student or prospect that you ever interact with.
Simply by being more polite, more cool, more helpful, and by smiling (and laughing), you can impact the world positively, and hopefully these acts of kindness can help to make positive change and impact.
Yes indeed, your positivism can change the world in a snowball effect of awesomeness.
But don’t stop short at just your prospects customers and end users.
Why Not Go Out Of Your Way To Be Super Cool To Your Colleagues, Co-workers, Employees And Outsourced Workers As Well?
When was the last time you told your help how much you appreciate them?
When was the last time you told them that they are AWESOME?
If you don’t remember, then one thing you can do to make the world a dramatically kinder place, as in right now, is to show your appreciation!
Let your colleagues know how much you appreciate their hard work. This isn’t rocket science; a smile, kind gesture, or even a letter of appreciation can make the world a much brighter place for all involved.
Being Super Cool And Kind Might Even Dramatically Effect Your Bottom Line! For The Better!
Let me ask you a question:
- Have you ever had an utterly disappointing experience with a business?
- Have you ever been promised quality support only to have the support representative duck your question like a mallard at the first sight of trouble?
- Maybe you’ve experienced utterly dismal customer support?
- Maybe an employee mistreated you, or you just had a bad nightmare experience that raised your blood pressure through the roof?
- Maybe you’ve experienced the worst customer support on the planet?
- Have you ever been blatantly lied to by a sales representative?
- Have you ever felt like a particular business just doesn’t care about you?
If Yes… Then Ask Yourself… Well, How Did That Impact You?
In all probability, the image of the company in question is shattered in your eyes, right?
So now let me ask this question…
What Would Happen If You Went Out Of Your Way To Be Ridiculously Kind?
Rudeness can quickly grow out of control if we allow one another to be motivated by the cantankerous curmudgeons of the world.
Instead, why not be motivated by kindness?
Instead of letting those negative experiences fester, why not fight back by being totally awesome, cool, and kind?
Because usually negativity festers. It spreads. Why not be ridiculously kind and awesome to everyone your business interacts with?
Maybe your customers, prospects, leads, and employees would begin to share their thoughts about how cool you and your business are?
At The Very Least, You’ll Be Creating More Smiles On This Planet, Which Is Never A Bad Thing.
As Entrepreneurs, we can vow to not only be super cool and nice on this particular day, but on every single day that we’re living and breathing on this planet.
We can all change the world in our own way, simply by smiling more, by laughing more, by helping one another, by being more kind, sharing with one another, and vowing to be totally awesome.
Even if our plan doesn’t unfold the way we intend, at the very least we can change the world for every single person that we interact with, which I believe, is definitely a worthy endeavor.
And remember, that positivity can spread like a wave of awesome if you just give yourself a chance to be ridiculously nice.
Give it a try, and see if it doesn’t make you feel like a million bucks?
Thank you so much for reading this humble little email newsletter.
Please have an amazing day!!!
Thank You So Much For Checking This Out!
This was a really important document for me to write, because it seems like everywhere we look these days, people are very stressed out, tense, divided, and angry!
That’s why I had a ton of fun writing this document.
Because, we, as entrepreneurs, have a unique attribute of being in contact with such a wide range of humans, potentially every single day.
Why not tap into this rare and extraordinary opportunity, to make the world a better place.
We can do that by being nice, cool, kind, and generous to one another. People are so cranky these days (lol), that a kind gesture does a lot of good, I think.
Even if it’s just one student, customer, reader, or listener at a time, heck, it might be a worthy endeavor.
Thanks so much for reading this humble document, truly.
If you ever have any questions, or simply want to brainstorm, then please never hesitate to contact me.
I’ve got your back, and I always look forward to hearing from you!
Until then, stay awesome, and please have an amazing day.
Cordially and humbly yours…
Mike DeVincent