Are You Depressed Because Nobody Is Registering For Your Marketing Webinars? Then Check This Out…
Are you a webinar marketer, but you have no clue how to advertise your event? If that’s the case then you might love this document!
Because face it.
You can have the most amazing, wonderful, and legendary webinar presentation in the entire world.
Maybe you want to help your end users, and maybe you honestly have awesome potential and you have every intention of helping, entertaining, and providing massive value.
But, what happens if nobody ever sees your webinar presentation?
What happens if you try like heck to deliver the coolest webinar in the world, but then nobody attends?
If you’ve ever had that fear, or if you’ve ever experienced the unfortunate situation of seeing cobwebs (lol) instead of webinar attendees, then you might love this.
I honestly think that ClickFunnels can not only be a great platform to host and launch your webinar, but the process of automating your webinar can also be a great tool to provide yourself with additional leverage.
In fact, let’s talk more about how automating your webinar can be a hugely powerful promotional strategy…
Why Automating Your Webinar Can Be A Hugely Powerful Promotional Strategy…
Later on in this document, I’ll talk about the components of an automated webinar funnel, but first, I’d just like to say that yes, automated webinars can be tremendously powerful, and in my opinion, automating your webinar can be the single best way to share your message with the world.
And, this is true for many reasons.
First of all, and personally speaking, I’m a night owl. It’s not unusual that I stay awake until 3, 4, or even 5 in the morning (lol).
The reason I mention this is because I know for a fact that some people would love to attend a webinar at 7, 8, or 9 in the morning.
But guess what? Due to the fact that I sleep till noon (lol), I’m unable to host a webinar at that time, so I could be missing out big time.
That’s the beauty of webinar automation. You can record a really cool presentation, stuffed to the tippy top with awesome and powerful content. And then, you can promote that webinar so that it runs at 6 in the morning, 9 in the morning, noontime, 6 at night, and even 11 o’clock at night.
Heck, you could even have your webinar run at 3 or 4 in the morning if you want to.
The meaning of this rant, is that webinar automation can allow you to “clone” yourself, so you can be in front of your audience when they’re ready and convenient to listen to your message.
So, if you live very weird hours, you don’t have to let that stand in the way of your webinar presentation.
Of course, ClickFunnels makes it very easy for you to automate your webinars, so if you’ve ever been frustrated that webinar automation can be hugely annoying and technically frustrating, then I honestly and sincerely believe that ClickFunnels might warrant additional research.
The Single Best Way To Promote Your Webinar, In My Honest Opinion, Is Email Marketing.
I think that email marketing is probably the single best way to promote anything.
If you have a built-in audience who subscribe to your email newsletter, then maybe just adding a “PS” to your already existing email marketing content would be the perfect place to promote your webinar presentations?
Or maybe you could simply send out a broadcast to your email list a day or two before you plan to launch your webinar?
After studying email marketing for such a long time, I can promise that there are so many different ways you can promote your presentations.
If you’re especially clever, you could even automate your email followups so that they promote your automated webinars. How’s that for the ultimate automation sequence?
In this case, you’d be promoting an automated event with automated emails, which to me is totally awesome, and the ultimate “set and forget” marketing hack.
Of course, ClickFunnels makes it really easy to automate your marketing emails, so whether you want to automate your email marketing, or if you instead prefer to write email broadcasts, both methods are possible and worthy of consideration, I think.
Another Way To Promote Your Webinar With ClickFunnels Is By Developing And Launching An Email Course.
I personally think that email courses are awesome.
The reason why I love email courses is that they act as a lead magnet, so they are a great way to build your email list.
Another reason email courses rock, is you can also insert a call to action at the end of every single email that you send in the course. If you don’t like this arguably aggressive style (lol), you could at the very least have a cool call to action at the end of your course.
(Though, personally, I don’t think adding a call to action inside every email is necessarily too aggressive, especially if you do it tactfully, and non-annoyingly).
So, let’s pretend that your webinar is on the topic of “Weight Loss”, “Diet”, or even “Low Carb Diets”.
Your email course could be something like “7 Day Email Course Teaches How To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories!”. Let’s pretend that the course is already written by you, and the content is awesome. You’re proud of the content and are confident that it can help your end users.
So let’s also pretend that you also have an awesome webinar entitled “How To Succeed With Your Low Carb Diet On A Limited Budget”. Finally, let’s also pretend that you want to promote this webinar inside your email course.
One thing that you could do simply insert a “PS” at the end of your email course content. So you could literally end each of your emails with a call to action like this: “PS: If you really appreciate this content, then be sure to register for my awesome webinar that teaches how you can succeed on a low carb diet even if your budget is tiny!”.
Or maybe you could say “PS: Are you frustrated because you want to succeed on a low carb diet, but your budget is absolutely bottom barrel? If that’s the case, then I can relate! Be sure to click here to register to my training webinar where I teach how you can succeed on a low carb diet even if your budget is absolutely dismal”.
Do you see how you can turn your email course into a really cool mechanism upon which to promote your automated webinar?
In fact, using this same “PS” strategy, you could turn this email course into a cool opportunity to promote absolutely anything that you want.
Setting up email automation, and lead magnet funnels are super easy to setup within ClickFunnels by the way.
So, what you could do, in an effort to promote your email course, is simply setup a Lead Magnet Funnel within ClickFunnels.
On your lead capture page, you could promote your awesome email course. Maybe for a call to action you could say “Free 7 Day Email Course Teaches How To Lose Weight Without The Stress Or Financial Hardship!”.
And then, you can then simply followup with your awesome email course content, and that content is, of course, going to promote your marketing webinars!
Personal Note: I hope this makes sense, because I’m honestly excited about all of this stuff, and in my opinion, an email course is something that can work in virtually any niche, and if you love to help those in your market then email courses rock!
Another Awesome Method To Promote Your Webinar Is Inside A Hero Funnel!
A Hero Funnel, as far as I can tell, is arguably one of the best types of funnels for branding yourself, telling your story, introducing your products, and also introducing your message and your brand.
So this type of funnel is literally a funnel that puts YOU first, front, and center.
So maybe you could briefly talk about who you are, what your goals are, and most importantly, how you want to help your end users.
The best part, is that a Hero Funnel could easily include a call to action to register for your webinar if you want.
So you could simply have a big call to action that says “Thanks So Much For Reading My Story! If You Want To Learn More About XYZ, Then Simply Click Here To Register For The Training Event!”.
Once you start experimenting and brainstorming with your own Hero Funnel, you will probably be able to come up with even more creative ways to promote your webinar, because remember that a Hero Funnel is all about you, your brand, and your story, so you can cleverly insert a call to action to your webinar, your lead capture page, your email course, or just about anything else that you think would make sense to promote.
Or, another option with a Hero Funnel, would be to give away some type of free video presentation, book, or even a free consultation in order to generate an email lead. Maybe your video, or book could go on to promote your automated webinar? Just food for thought.
Either way, once you generate the email lead, you could then simply promote your marketing webinar in your followup emails later on down the road. (I’ve already stated that I think email marketing is arguably the best way to promote your webinars, and heck yes I truly believe that email marketing rocks lol).
That way, you can try your best to share awesome email marketing content, and then you could follow up with webinar marketing invites periodically, or whenever you host a new event.
ClickFunnels has some really cool Hero Funnel templates that you can experiment with if this is something that sounds cool.
Another Awesome Way To Promote Your Webinar Is With An Automated Webinar Funnel!
An Automated Webinar Funnel is a very specific type of marketing funnel that focuses on delivering your automated webinar with all of the bells and whistles.
What does that mean exactly? Well, an automated webinar funnel contains several components.
Automated Webinar Funnel Component # 1 – The Registration Page
The webinar registration page is the page that sells the benefits of your actual webinar. So ask yourself, what are the main things that your end users will gain by attending your webinar?
How will they change, and why is your event totally and truly “must see”. The best thing about the registration page is that this is also an opportunity to build your email list, and to generate an email lead!
Automated Webinar Funnel Component # 2 – The Confirmation Page
The confirmation page is the page that your end user sees after they subscribe to your webinar.
The confirmation page can include a link to the future webinar, a thank you note, a welcome video, or if you want, you can even promote an affiliate offer, or one of your own offers on this page.
Automated Webinar Funnel Component # 3 – The Reminder Pages
The reminder pages are totally optional in my opinion, but they might be a good idea because they can remind your audience of all the awesome benefits they get if they actually attend your webinar! Because remember, sometimes people might register for your webinar, and then totally forget, lose interest, or be distracted by a sports game by the time the event is ready to air.
So, these pages are designed to excite your end users about the future event. Maybe you could create a few videos that are automatically sent to your webinar attendees a day or two before the webinar.
On the reminder pages, you could easily talk about the benefits that your end users get by showing up to the webinar, you could even remind them of any special bonuses that you’re offering, or maybe you could even use this time to gently pitch one of your own products, or perhaps an affiliate product.
Automated Webinar Funnel Component # 4 – The Broadcast Page
The broadcast page is the actual page that hosts your webinar presentation video.
This is the page that your end users will see once they finally join your webinar presentation.
This page can be used to share your best content, and you can also include a call to action on this page, so if you’re selling a product, course, or even an affiliate offer during your webinar, then inserting a call to action with ClickFunnels is “drag and drop” easy.
Automated Webinar Funnel Component # 5 – The Replay Page
The replay page is the last chance that your end users can see your webinar presentation, and this is another chance for you to promote whatever product or service that your webinar is presenting.
The good news, is that all of these components, when put together, equate to a really genius marketing campaign that can help you share your message with those who want it the most.
With ClickFunnels, all of these marketing pages are super easy to design, and automated webinar marketing is truly awesome when there aren’t any technical hurdles blocking a creative marketer from reaching their true visions.
Thanks So Much For Checking This Out, You Rock!
Email Marketing, Webinar Automation, Email Courses, Hero Funnels, and Webinar Funnels are some of the topics I tried to cover in this document.
I hope that this content makes sense, because I honestly believe that automated webinars rock and they can be a really powerful way for you to share your message with the world.
I had a ton of fun writing this, and it’s my honest hope that you had a ton of fun reading it!
If you ever have any questions about this content, then I invite you to contact me by using the contact form at the top of this blog.
Thanks again for reading, and please have a beautiful day!
Mike DeVincent