Are you an affiliate marketer who is trying to build an email list, but you just have no clue how to start?
If that’s the case then I can totally relate.
As a huge fan of affiliate marketing, I know how frustrating it is when you want to generate leads and build an email list, but nothing seems to be working.
Which is why maybe you’re trying to learn more about lead generation using Solo Ads?
I have a ton of experience with Solo Ads, and would be happy to brainstorm more about it.
But first, let’s talk about what Solo Ads are, so we can both be on the same page.
What The Heck Is A Solo Ad?
A Solo Ad, simply put, is a very special type of email advertisement.
The way a Solo Ad Works, is an email newsletter publisher will send your advertisement to their audience for a fee.
The cost of a Solo Ad is agreed upon in advance and is usually calculated on a “per click” basis.
In other words, you a Solo Ad Seller might advertise solo ad packages of 100 clicks, for $.50 (fifty cents) per click. So, a 100 click Solo Ad would cost $50, and a 200 click Solo Ad could cost $100.
Usually, Solo Ad clicks are relatively inexpensive (usually anywhere from fifty cents to a couple of dollars per click), so Solo Ads are relatively cheap, which is a huge reason why I love them.
Who Are Solo Ads For? What Niches Are Best For Solo Ads?
In my opinion, Solo Ads are best reserved for those who are in a very mainstream niche.
So if you have an email newsletter in the internet marketing, business opportunity, work from home, weight loss, health, diet, dating, self-help, or other very mainstream niches, then Solo Ads might be worth checking out.
In this case, for affiliate marketers, ask yourself, is your offer very popular, and mainstream? If so, then Solo Ads might be worth learning more about.
Who Should NOT Use Solo Ads?
Solo Ads can be a really fast way to generate email marketing leads, and in my opinion can definitely be worthy of considering if you’re in a mainstream niche. However, if you’re in a very narrowly targeted or a very specific niche, then Solo Ads probably aren’t your best bet.
In my opinion, the reason why Solo Ads are better for mainstream niches is simply that the majority of Solo Ad Vendors have relatively mass-market newsletters with a relatively general audience.
Also remember that any advertising comes with some element of risk; so if you don’t have a marketing budget, and if you don’t want to have a marketing budget, then I would recommend to avoid paid advertising all together.
What About Solo Ads For Affiliate Marketers In General?
I think that asking if affiliate marketing is a good match for Solo Ads is the wrong question to ask.
The much better question to ask, is if your email newsletter content is in a mainstream niche, and if you are confident that a relatively mainstream audience would be interested in your content.
If your email newsletter content rocks, and if it’s in a mainstream niche, then heck yes, I think that you might benefit from checking out Solo Ads.
That being said, always remember that paid advertising can be expensive.
In fact, I would make sure that you have a few strategies in place before you take out your first Solo Ad, or consider any advertising method at all.
Solo Ad Requirement # 1 – Make Sure You Have An Awesome Email List Building Funnel!
If you want to conduct any type of paid advertising, my advice is to always make sure that you have a competent sales funnel, or marketing funnel in place.
There are a few reasons why it’s important to have a good marketing funnel or a sales funnel.
First of all, a good sales funnel will make it much easier to track your results.
Also, a good email list building funnel will allow you to pre-sell your affiliate offer, which in my opinion is a huge deal if you want to use Solo Ads as an affiliate marketer.
These days, it’s also possible to automate much of your marketing and email sequences, which again grants you the ability to track your statistics, so you can measure and try your best to determine what works, and what doesn’t work.
Solo Ad Requirement # 2 – Make Sure You Have A Followup Plan In Place!
One of the worst things you can do as an email newsletter publisher is to buy advertising and then never send emails to your subscribers!
In my opinion this happens too frequently. My advice is to always have a rock solid followup plan in place; both for the short term, and also the long term.
So, before you even think about buying any Solo Ads, or any type of advertisement, make sure that you have an awesome followup plan so that you can make the best possible impact with your subscribers.
Solo Ad Requirement # 3 – Make Sure You Spend Time Finding A Good Solo Ad Vendor!
Once you have an awesome email marketing funnel, and a really cool followup plan in place, you still have some work to do.
Personally, before I buy anything (whether it’s a new pair of shoes, a cheeseburger, or a computer monitor), I usually do a ton of research.
I want to read reviews! And lots of them!
The same is definitely true for you and your business, right?
So, before you buy a single Solo Ad, I think it’s always a great idea to conduct your due diligence and research.
This usually starts with checking out all of the reviews that the Solo Ad Vendor has. And I don’t say this lightly.
I would recommend anyone looking to buy a Solo Ad to spend at least a few hours reading and carefully analyzing reviews of whichever Solo Ad Provider that you want.
If you’re curious to learn more about different Solo Ad Vendors, I publish a Solo Ad Rolodex that you can check out by clicking here. There’s lots of data within the Rolodex and I usually try to update it at least once per year. (Unless I’m feeling epically lazy of course).
If you decide that you wish to learn more about Solo Ads, I advise you to study the reviews.
Try your best to find Solo Ad Vendors who produce SALES for their customers, and look for specific terms in the reviews that Solo Ad Buyers write such as “Got Sales”, “Sale”, “Made A Sale”, and other indicators that the Solo Ad Seller produces good results.
Reviews are important, please conduct your due diligence and spend time finding a good Solo Ad Vendor who produces good results for their customers.
Solo Ad Requirement # 4 – Be Prepared To Test, And Test Small
Marketers from all over the planet, and advertisers from every era have often wondered how their marketing creatives are going to convert.
The truth of the matter, is that the only way to know for sure is to test; before you test, all you have is a guess.
The only thing that matters, is how your actual email marketing and affiliate marketing creatives perform out in the wild.
That, I think, is honestly the most important advertising lesson of all time; that your own marketing statistics, and data, will ultimately reveal more about your marketing campaigns that I or anyone else can ever offer.
Thanks So Much For Checking This Out, You Rock!
I thank you so much for reading this blog post!
I think that Solo Ads rock, and they can definitely be cool for Affiliate Marketers!
I hope that you had fun reading, and as always, I invite you to contact me if you need help.
Talk later, and stay cool.
Mike “The Affiliate” DeVincent