This page contains a brief synopsis about who I am, what this blog is all about, and also why I’m ludicrously passionate about writing. If you’re a fan of my work, or if you wish to learn more, then welcome! Please continue reading!
What This Blog Is All About:
I created this blog because two of my favorite hobbies are building websites, and writing.
That’s why I love to write awesome content on the following topics:
- How to write fantastic web content for your email marketing, online teaching, blogging, freelancing, copywriting, automation, and content marketing endeavors.
- How to build beautiful websites, sales funnels, lead capture pages, and other websites that convert even if you suck at code.
- How to ensure that every element of your website generates leads, sells the click, builds your email list, or advertises your business.
- How to make wise utilization of technology to aid in the automation of lead generation, rapport building, and sales.
- How to strategically publish awesome content by leveraging reliable data science.
- How to share your message with the world while building a tribe of end users who appreciate and can benefit from your content and business.

More About Who I Am…
I’m an IT nerd who grew up (and resides) in the Greater Boston area. I’m also a teacher and blogger who frequently rants about email marketing, copywriting, tech stuff, IT security, writing, lead generation, and other smart, nerdy business topics.
I’ve been an IT nerd for much of my life and have worked in IT as a client system administrator for some really cool and awesome organizations.
Blogging and building websites are some of the niftiest hobbies in the world. One of the main reasons that I love blogging, is because I’m obsessed with writing. I spend hours writing daily.
I love to write here on MrComputerScience.com about marketing, business, and tech stuff.
Writing and self-publishing are both topics that I love to discuss with colleagues, students, friends, or anyone willing to endure my nonstop ramblings.
I’ve also ghostwritten a copious quantity of content for various blogs, websites, experts, gurus, small business owners, and brands.
What Topics Do I Write About Here On MrComputerScience.com?
I pretty much write whatever I want! However, I usually focus on nerdy marketing and tech tips for small business owners. Below you’ll find a big list of topics that I discuss here on the blog.
# 1 – Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is when you earn a commission by selling someone else’s product. All of the big companies boast affiliate programs these days.
Unlike most amateurs and gurus, I won’t pretend that affiliate marketing is easy. Affiliate marketing requires a ton of work! However, I’m a huge fan of affiliate marketing! If you love affiliate marketing as much as I do, then I invite you to brainstorm!
Affiliate marketing rocks if you have a Podcast, email newsletter, blog, product, or website yet you’re not quite prominent enough to attract a high profile sponsor. That’s the beauty of affiliate marketing. Even the small “one person” team can apply for various affiliate marketing programs that welcome the novice affiliate.
You’ve never had so many content rich and vibrant affiliate networks to choose from and consider. Whether you’re a Podcaster, author, eCommerce vendor, teacher, blogger, webmaster, or email marketer, I invite you to brainstorm innovative and clever affiliate marketing strategies that rock.
Want to learn more? Then I invite you to read some of my affiliate marketing blog posts. 🙂
Read my latest affiliate marketing strategies here.
Join my legendary marketing newsletter here.
# 2 – Blogging
Did you know that the MrComputerScience.com blog runs entirely on WordPress? For that reason, I’m a big fan and proponent of WordPress. I love blogging with WordPress!
I cherish every opportunity to share blogging insights learned after writing oodles of content and studying SEO, content marketing, blog promotion, blog strategy, et cetera.
If you want to learn more about blogging, then I invite you to read more of my blog posts. I’ve spent countless evenings typing and brainstorming relentlessly so I could reveal everything that I know about blogging, writing, and self-publishing a blog.
Do you want to launch a blog? Or, maybe you wish to brainstorm alongside a like-minded blogging professional? If so, then check out some of my posts!
I constantly strive to brainstorm and create awesome content on this blog, so please check back for updates if you like my style.
I also love to interact with fellow bloggers. Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Pinterest if you wish. Or, if you have feedback, requests, or questions about blogging, then I cordially invite you to inquire because I love to hear from you!
Read my latest blogging strategies here.
Join my legendary marketing newsletter here.
# 3 – Content Marketing
You’ve probably noticed that the cost of advertising can seem way out of sight if you’re a freelancer, blogger, small business owner, or one person team.
Can you relate? Are you a tiny “one person team” just like I am? Does it feel like the gurus are blatantly blowing smoke when they reference the ease of website traffic and paid advertising?
Maybe you’re a small business owner without a big budget. You’re wondering how you can spread the word about your business, products, services, offerings, books, courses, and launches, but you can’t afford to spend much in the way of advertising. I know your frustration. That’s why I’m a huge fan of content marketing.
Why content marketing? Because content marketing is a great method to spread the word about your brand, your message, your story, and your website. However, I must warn you that content marketing requires an abundance of work, effort, hustle, and even a dash of luck!
Nevertheless, I invite you to brainstorm some of my favorite content marketing strategies as I publish them here on MrComputerScience.com.
Read my latest content marketing strategies here.
Join my legendary marketing newsletter here.
# 4 – Email Marketing
Email marketing rocks and in my opinion you can count on email marketing as one of the most secure and effective marketing channels for your small business.
Because in my experience, email marketing is by far the cheapest way for small businesses to build a direct communication with their audience.
Email is great for building rapport with your audience, sharing valuable content, delivering updates, and for publishing newsletters. Of course, email marketing also rocks for sales.
Another reason I love email marketing is that these days it’s so easy to automate much of your email marketing content should you wish. So you can write awesome, powerful and beautiful content once, and then share it with your new subscribers over and over again. 🙂
These days, your time and energy are of the essence. That’s why automation rocks. Email marketing and automation work alongside one another with a magnificent synchronicity that’s worthy of notice.
Read my latest email marketing strategies here.
Join my legendary marketing newsletter here.
# 5 – Lead Generation
One thing that I’ve noticed is that many companies struggle to generate adequate leads. Can you relate? If so, then you might love some of the lead generation content that I publish on MrComputerScience.com.
I’m serious about lead generation because I know that my blogging efforts are doomed without leads!
I’m obsessed with lead generation, and email marketing. Lead generation is one of my favorite topics to discuss. All businesses, freelancers, hustlers, teachers, lawyers, dentists, accountants, and entrepreneurs on the planet need leads.
Even if you have the coolest and most comprehensive business on the planet, you’re dismally doomed without economical lead generation!
But, how are we, the small business owners of the world to compete with the mammoth organizations and social media gurus? How can you generate leads even if nobody knows about you and your business?
These are the questions regarding lead generation that I love to brainstorm and cover extensively on this humble marketing blog.
Read my latest lead generation strategies here.
Join my legendary marketing newsletter here.
# 6 – Online Teaching
Do you want to learn more about the world of elearning, distance education, launching online courses, digital course platforms, and online teaching? Have you ever thought about teaching an online course?
Maybe you want to launch your first online course, or maybe you want to become an online teacher but you have no idea how to start?
If so, then I can relate. I’m obsessed with creating engaging educational content! I love online teaching! I’ve brainstormed, produced, launched, and taught over a dozen digital courses. I want to share everything I know about the world of online teaching with you.
My passion is to provide awesome online courses for all, even to those who cannot afford an education otherwise. I honestly believe that nobody should have to go into a life-debt to learn about technology, business, writing, marketing, and other essential skills that are now mandatory if you are to compete in our global economy!
I am therefore, a huge supporter and advocate of online learning, and distance education. I also write gobs of blog posts that detail my teaching experience and other teaching tidbits that hopefully you’ll love.
Nothing makes me happier than teaching. My fellow instructors and students are the coolest people in the world. If you’re a student of mine, please know that you’re in great company with an instructor who cares about creating entertaining, insightful, and valuable content.
Read my latest online teaching strategies here.
Join my legendary marketing newsletter here.
# 7 – Sales Funnels
A sales funnel is a specific type of website to generate leads, and/or sell a product or service.
A sales funnel is different from a traditional website. Sales funnels have specific and measurable goals in mind. (Such as generating an email lead, making a sale, or inviting the end user to register for an event, webinar, course, or promotion).
As a tech nerd who also loves marketing and writing, I write incessantly around the topics of sales funnels, marketing pages, lead capture pages, book funnels, course funnels, bridge pages, plus a ton more!
Why am I so passionate about marketing funnels, and beautiful landing pages? Because a slick online presence combined with strategic marketing components can empower the small business owner.
I believe in the power of the individual, and of small businesses. A smart sales funnel implementation can give the “one-person-entrepreneur” a strategic advantage. Therefore, I’m a huge fan, proponent for and advocate of the art and science of sales funnels!
In my opinion, sales funnels are the most effective variety of marketing creative to promote for nearly any small business.
With a little creativity, just about any organization, big or small, can generate, brainstorm and launch an awesome (and beautiful) sales funnel.
Whether you’re an author, a teacher, a coach, an affiliate marketer, a freelancer, an agency, or a gourmet pastry chef, sales funnels rock. There’s an endless array of nifty marketing funnel ideas you could deploy.
What type of sales funnel is best for your business? Imagination is key! Also, remember that until you test, all you have is a guess. 😉
Read my latest sales funnel strategies here.
Join my legendary marketing newsletter here.
# 8 – Writing
There’s never been a better time in the history of our planet for writers! Your readers are eagerly waiting from all over the world for your content to change their lives.
I encourage you to brainstorm alongside a fellow writing geek by reading my blog posts about writing here on MrComputerScience.com! I’ve loved writing for pretty much my entire life and I’m eager to share my best writing tips and secrets with you.
So, how can writing help you? The answer is that writing helps you invariably. If you wish to compel others to heed your advice, listen to your recommendation, purchase your new book, or click your affiliate link, then the ability to write is critical.
Do you sell online products? Generate leads? Convince others to buy? Or, have you ever tried to write an amazing email to your subscribers? If so, then I encourage you to never stop writing! Practice writing daily so you can command an efficient grasp of the written word.
Your potential to reach others by tapping into existing marketplaces and platforms has never been so immense.
Whether you’re a freelancer, a teacher, an author, a consultant, or a coach, the ability to write content can improve your ability to compel others to act.
Read my latest writing strategies here.
Join my legendary marketing newsletter here.
Contact Me On Social Media!
If you’re a fellow blogger, writer, tech nerd, or marketer, then I cordially invite you to hit me up on social media. I’m on Twitter, Pinterest, and a few others. Find links below!
Before I forget, I created a few social media groups that I humbly invite you to visit. There’s a Pinterest group board and three blogging tribes where other nerdy bloggers regularly publish and share content.
So if you’re a blogger, or if you simply love to brainstorm all kinds of nerdy entrepreneurial, tech, and marketing stuff, then I humbly I invite you to stop by!
So, join! Check the Pinterest group board and the blog tribes. If you’re a blogger, then request to join the Pinterest group board as a participant so you can share your content as well.
Step # 1 – Hit Me Up On Twitter!
- Twitter is one of my favorite social media channels. I invite you to follow me on Twitter by clicking here and check out what type of shenanigans are brewing on my end!
Step # 2 – Hit Me Up On Pinterest!
- Pinterest is one of my favorite social networks and is one of the few that I visit on the regular. If you love blogging, writing, small business, or marketing then follow me on Pinterest by clicking here and check out some of my latest artwork projects!
Step # 3 – Join The Pinterest Group Board:
- Are you a blogger, or do you love to read blogs? If so, then join thousands of nerdy bloggers in my legendary Pinterest group board: Share Your Blog With The World!
Step # 4 – Follow The Three Blog Tribes:
If you’re a blogger or if you wish to brainstorm with like-minded bloggers and writers then follow the three blogging tribes below!
- Follow Blog Tribe # 1 – Internet Marketing Science
- Follow Blog Tribe # 2 – Entrepreneurial Bloggers
- Follow Blog Tribe # 3 – Business Bloggers
Thanks For Visiting My Humble Blog! You Rock! 🙂
Please pardon this epic bombast of an about me page! If you’ve read this far, then I humbly submit to you one final offer; to join my epic and legendary email newsletter.
Upon successfully subscribing, for free, expect the first issue sent to your email inbox within minutes. The first issue contains a ton of awesome e-books, cheat sheets, reports, and resources that you might love if you’re a marketer, small business owner, or entrepreneur.
If that sounds cool, then click here to register for the marketing newsletter. The first issue contains a massive resource library with awesome stuff that entrepreneurs and nerds shall enjoy tremendously.
Thanks for reading, and please have a beautiful day!
Cordially yours…
Mike “Introductory Thesis” DeVincent