Yesterday I wrote how you shouldn’t focus on the length of your content.
The reason I mentioned that, is because there’s so much fluff being written these days.
I see it all the time. Writers struggling and aching to painstakingly churn out 500 word blog posts, emails and articles.
Who Made Up This Boogeyman Of A Number?
Who said that 500 words is the “mandatory goal” for all writers?
I’m not sure, but in the spirit of Halloween I’m slaying the myth.
The reason most bloggers stop writing, according to my observations, is because it’s a pain to write 500 word blog posts.
Because writing content for the sake of writing content is nauseatingly boring – especially if there’s some make believe “content threshold” that you’re forced to maintain.
So, my advice going forward is to get your point across, and then end it.
Stop Counting Words.
Stop adding 500 words of fluff.
That’s my input, and I’m sticking with it.
Talk later
Mike “The Brief” DeVincent
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