It’s been said that Donald Trump doesn’t really like sending emails. (I think that will change as the presidential elections pick up because historically politicians all love email marketing haha).
That being said, I honestly think that simply by observing Donald Trump, his actions, and his demeanor any marketer (email marketers especially) could learn, and yes benefit from the man’s actions.
Seriously. Love him, or hate him, you can’t deny that Donald is a genius marketer.
He’s arguably the most popular person on the planet, and I don’t remember a presential climate this exciting, in well, ever.
That being said, I think there are a few “takeaways” any email marketer could learn simply by observing Trump in action, and they are as follows:
# 1 – Strike When The Iron’s Hot.
If there’s one thing Trump has done effectively, it’s strike when the iron’s hot.
Americans are MAD with the way things are going.
They’re sick of career politicians. They’re sick of double talk. They’re sick of political correctness.
Trump knows his end users are VERY passionate about the aforementioned issues, and he is DIGGING in and grinding these ideas home, and he’s overwhelmingly effective in doing so.
Don’t believe me? Simply look at the poll numbers.
He’s demolishing his opposition in polls, and his end users (voters) are absolutely ADORING UP everything he says.
You can do the same thing with email marketing by the way – by knowing exactly what your end users want, what they’re frustrated with, and what they’re passionate about.
A lot of people are angry these days. I’m not sure why, maybe there’s a million different reasons.
But you can tap into that frustration and benefit tremendously as a marketer or entrepreneur.
It’s all about knowing your end users, their deep desires, frustrations, and emotions.
Trump has clearly mastered this practice, and knows his end users better than perhaps anyone.
The art of the deal indeed.
And when I say strike when the iron’s hot… Remember to LISTEN to your end users.
How does this correlate to email marketing sales?
If a certain promotion is working, use it! Over and over again.
Never take your finger off of the pulse of your end users and their core desires, or you’ll end up being an irrelevant voice, drowning in an overcrowded marketplace; you’ll end up with no foundation, no end users, and no email traffic.
# 2 – Show Passion. Don’t Be A “Corporate Weenie”.
Let’s face it; Donald is showing off his massive cajones.
He’s not backing down.
He’s standing FIRM for what he believes in.
The American people adore that; they’re so tired of the “me too” politicians who walk on egg shells.
Is Donald Trump going to ever wind down, or will he maintain his aggressive political standpoints?
Who knows.
But I guarantee you this – Americans have never been this interested about politics, love him or hate him, people are watching Trump as evidenced by his record ratings whenever he’s on network television.
The same is absolutely true with email marketing you know, regarding being firm.
If you want to get your end users engaged, you can’t be a pussyfooted coward.
You need to be strong, and have a clearly defined motto.
If you clearly define who YOU are, only then will you have a base of end users who give a damn about you.
So many marketers and entrepreneurs are like the timid politician; they don’t want to offend anyone, and would rather be bland, and neutral.
My advice?
In the email marketing world, this translates to people continually opening your emails, and yes, clicking your links, and even becoming a diehard fan for life.
# 3 – Use Leverage To Your Advantage. Every Time.
Donald knows how to use leverage.
Whenever he gives a speech, he knows to talk about the HOTTEST points that resonnate with his audience.
So, he gets his talking points down, and uses them over and over again; this is effective because he’s leveraging the most “passionate” talking points possible, thereby getting people fascinated and interested over and over again.
That’s leverage that all marketers should swoon over. Email marketers especially.
He also shows leverage in other ways…
Everybody thought Donald was a fool when he refused to sign the petition to support the republican nominee.
To be honest, it was a genius strategic move to DENY signing it initially.
Had he signed the document, he would have lost tremendous leverage, and indeed may have subjected himself to harsher treatment, since any of his opponents would realize that if they can “eliminate” Trump from the Republican ticket, that he’s indeed finished.
Ultimately, Trump relinquished this leverage, though I’m confident this was done strategically, as Trump has ridden the wave adequately enough that it will be difficult for anyone to diminish his popularity at this point.
So; how does this translate to email marketing?
Remember that email marketing is the ultimate leverage.
How Do You Build Your Leverage, And Expand It In The Email Marketing World?
Provide awesome content.
Awesome give aways.
Always work on methods to BUILD and EXPAND your leverage; in other words, build and expand your list.
It’s one of the only marketing mechanisms that works for the “little guy”.
It’s ridiculously cost effective.
You don’t have to be a megaladon guru to start, and it’s something that has a relatively “sunken cost”, so it’s even better for the little guy.
That’s why I’m always busting my rump teaching you the best email marketing tactics that are battle-tested by yours truly.
So you can finally have the freedom and confidence that’s only possible with awesome, wholesome content.
You also get white label rights and private label rights you know – so you can resell it as your own, give it away to your end users as a bonus, and of course you can broadcast it to your list and sell almost any “Traffic” related offer in every single email.
I think that does it for this edition.
Talk later, and have a great day.
Mike “Email Is The Ultimate Trump Card” DeVincent